The release candidate of Tagaini Jisho 0.2.5 is now available, both source code and Windows binaries (Mac binaries will arrive a little bit later). It fixes a couple of bugs and all the planned features have been implemented. Some more polishing needs to be done, and unless anything goes wrong the final 0.2.5 should be released next week. If you can, please test this version, as it is the last chance to squeeze bugs before 0.2.5 is out!

The translation strings are frozen and it is therefore safe for people willing to provide a translation of the user interface to do it. The translation templates are available from the source tarball in the i18n directory (files with .ts suffix, can be opened with Qt Linguist for translation). Right now we have a French and Dutch translations (both needing to be updated) but anybody is welcome to contribute a new language. If you can, please consider maintaining a translation - it only takes a moment to update and makes Tagaini accessible to more users. Also, I’m still looking for people to maintain binaries versions of the software (Windows, Mac, Ubuntu, OpenSuse, Fedora, …). If you have experience in packaging for your Linux distribution, please consider maintaining its binary package. If you have experience with Winamp’s installer (or any other good Windows installer program), please take over the Windows binary. If you understand Mac OSX bundles, the Mac version is in need for some love too.