The first beta of Tagaini 0.2.5 is available at the beta section of the download page. The most noticeable new feature is the ability to organize items into sorted and hierarchical lists, a feature useful for people trying to read books or who like to organize their vocabulary/kanjis following the lessons of their Japanese manual.

A first version of the kanji component selector is also available in a very slow and buggy version - please don’t worry about it too much. The user interface has also a been a little bit reorganized, both visually and from a source code perspective, in order to allow vertical space optimization.

Behind the stage, the database builders have been totally rewritten in C++ and any dependency on Python during compilation has been dropped, which fixes the problems many have been encountering when trying to compile from source. Thanks to the use of CMake, compilation should now be a breeze on any supported platform.

Users are encouraged to try this release and report their experience with it, but please keep in mind that the user database schema has been updated and that you won’t be able to switch back to 0.2.4 after having started using this beta unless you restore your user database as it was before installation. Therefore, it is advised to export your user data (in the Program menu), so that you are able to import it back in case you need to return to 0.2.4.